About Our Ministry

Our Mission: Love and serve the Greater Harrison community in Christ’s Name.

Established in 1997, Christ's Loving Hand aims to provide assistance to the community while minimizing the risk for abuse of available resources.

We are located in Harrison, Ohio and serve our neighbors in the Southwest Local School District and West Harrison.

Over 25 years after opening our doors, we are as dedicated as ever to serving our neighbors in Harrison and pointing them towards Christ.

As a clearinghouse, we serve the community in two vital, but distinct ways:

Firstly, we directly aid local families in need by providing essential support such as food, rent and utility assistance.

Secondly, we provide a way for our partners to support worthwhile causes with confidence. The clearinghouse model allows us to make real and lasting relationships within our community and tailor assistance to individual circumstances – all while avoiding duplication of service

Fast Facts

In 2023, Christ's Loving Hands:

•Served 2,155 people through our partner food pantries

•Assisted 172 Households with Rent Assistance Requests

•Assisted 181 Households with Utility Assistance Requests

•Distributed $78,948 in Assistance

•Gave an Average of $221 per household across 357 assistance requests

Our Vision: Be the first organization people think of when they need assistance or want to help in the Community

Our hope is that our ministry will be the first thing that comes to mind when people in our community are in need. We hope to form relationships that have a lasting impact on individuals and families by connecting them to Christian community. We believe that when the individuals and families in Harrison are stronger, our community as a whole is stronger, and we believe that happens in the Church.

Serving neighbors is our ministry, but it isn’t why we exist. Our ministry exists to share the truth of the gospel, show people the love of Christ, and give the Church an outlet to serve and love our community in a safe and tangible way. We hope to improve our community, one person at a time, through meaningful relationships.